Research Databases

List of research database titles, descriptions and links
African American Periodicals 1825-1995
African American Periodicals

Features more than 170 wide-ranging periodicals by and about African Americans. Published in 26 states, the publications include academic and political journals, commercial magazines, institutional newsletters, organizations bulletins, annual reports  and other genres. These diverse periodicals—which have shaped, and in turn been shaped by, African American culture—will enable new discoveries on lives of African Americans as individuals, as an ethnic group and as Americans.

You must have a Washington County Public Library card to use this resource.

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America's News
America's News

America's News provides unique access to over 2,100 local, regional and national news sources, featuring over 40 titles from the state of Ohio. Compare perspectives from across the nation, track trends, and find information on a variety of topics and issues from the 1970's through current day.

You must have a Washington County Public Library card to use this resource.

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Business Source Premier
Business Source Premier

Full text business articles, research, and news updated daily from EBSCOhost.

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Computer Source
Computer Source

Computer Source provides researchers with the latest information and current trends in high technology. This database offers full text for nearly 300 publications and indexing and abstracts for nearly 450 publications.

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MasterFile Premier
Masterfile Premier

Full text for a wide variety of periodicals covering general reference, business, health, education, general science, multicultural issues and much more. Also contains full text for reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, and an image collection photos, map, and flags – updated daily from EBSCOhost. 

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Newspaper Source from EBSCO
Newspaper Source from EBSCO

Cover-to-cover full text for 20 national (U.S.) & international newspapers and selected full text for more than 230 regional (U.S.) newspapers, plus TV and radio news transcripts, updated daily.

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Historical newspapers archive from the 1700s-2000s 3,000+ news titles from the U.S. and around the world.

You must have a Washington County Public Library card to use this resource.

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Primary Search
Primary Search

 Provides full text for more than 70 popular magazines for elementary school research. All full text articles included in the database are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles), and full text information dates as far back as 1990.

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Regional Business News
Regional Business News

Full text for articles from over 75 business journals, newspapers, and covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States, from EBSCOhost.

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The Washington Post
Washington Post

Access to The Washington Post in the library or outside the library with your library card.

To access from inside the library follow this link.

To access from outside of the library follow this link.
When you go to this page, you need to create an account to receive free remote access. Every 7 days you will need to click the link above and log back in with the account to keep access.


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