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This illustration shows a composite flint point which contains most of the basic components found in projectile points and other flint tools.

Click on a word or scroll down the page to see definitions of these components.

composite illustrations of flint artifacts
a narrow projection at the junction of the blade and base of a point, often on corner-notched types
portion of the point to which the spear or arrow shaft or knife handle was attached
formed when blade edge is resharpened by flaking from one side only, creating a definitely angular cross section
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refers to the shape of the cross section of a point or blade; both upper and lower surfaces are convex
refers to a point base that is split
the relatively large portion of a point that includes the cutting edges
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indentation at the base of a point that is oriented at approximately 45 degree angle to the point's long axis
blade edge that curves away from the point's long axis; convex
a distinctive flake struck from the base toward the tip on one or both faces that flattens the point, making it fit more snugly on a spear shaft
blade edge that curves toward the point,s long axis, often due to resharpening; concave
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percussion flaking
removing flakes from a piece of flint by directly striking the edge with a hammerstone or a cylindrical piece of antler or wood; the technique generally used to form the initial shape of a tool; resulting flake scars are usually large and irregular in outline
pressure flaking
removing small flakes by pressing a rounded-end tool such as an antler tine against the edge of a tool; technique used for refining the shape of a tool, resharpening blade edges, forming notches, or other tasks requiring more control than percussion flaking; resulting flake scars are usually small and narrow
saw-tooth like projections along the blade edge of a point; presumed to be a form of resharpening most often characteristic of points made by prehistoric Archaic cultures (8000- 500 BC)
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lower corner of the blade portion of a point where it joins the stem
indentation at the base of a point that is oriented at approximately 45 degree angle to the point's long axis
a type of base with straight, un-notched edges
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pointed end of the blade portion of a point