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This program consists of eight sections.

General Information About Ohio's Snakes
If this is the first time that you are using this program it is important that you read this section. It will give you information that is basic to the rest of the program.

The Snakes of Ohio: By Name
This list has several uses. You can find what snakes are known to live in Ohio. Also you can go directly to a Fact Page about a particular snake by using the links in this section. You can click on the common name of any snake in the list and go directly to its Fact Page.

Quick I.D
In this section you can follow a series of steps that will lead you through a number of characteristics that we use in identifying snakes. You can start with an unknown snake from Ohio. You will read the choices at each step and click on a link that will take you to the next step. By following the steps carefully you will only have to think about one or two characteristics at a time. At the end of the steps you will find yourself at a Fact Page for a specific snake that should match your specimen. This is much easier than trying to deal with a mass of characteristics all together. If you feel that you are ending up with the wrong snake, then be patient and try again.

Comparison Pages
This section is an accessed through the Quick I.D. section and is used with that section. It will help you with small groups of snakes that are very similar in appearance. Clues in the Quick I.D. section will lead you to specific parts of the Comparison Pages. And as with the Quick I.D. you will end at a Fact Page for a particular snake.

Fact Pages
This section is the core of the program. In it you will find descriptions of and information about each of Ohio's snakes. Access to this section is through either the Snakes By Name section, or by way of the Quick I.D.

Myths & Truths About Snakes
This section is separate from those listed above. In it you can read about famous and not-so-famous myths about snakes
and some things that are true about snakes.

References & Further Reading
After using this program you may want to learn more about snakes in Ohio. Here are some suggested readings and other references.

Some of the words in this program may be new or unfamiliar to you. You will have access to definitions of these words in this section by way of links from words in the Fact Pages and other sections.

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Date of last revision: 06/22/2001
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