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Worm Snakes very small, glossy brown-to-black snakes that resemble an earthworm. Also, the belly of these snakes is bright pink to reddish-pink. The tail is short and it tapers to a sharp tip.
There are two kinds of Worm Snake living in Ohio.

The difference between these two subspecies is slight, but distinct. On the top of the head there are scales between the nose and a large scale that lies between the eyes: the Eastern Worm Snake has four scales in that area, while the Midwest Worm Snake has only two.

check both links <image courtesy Dr. Martin J. Rosenberg>

The Worm Snakes are larger than the earthworm-like Brahminy Blind Snake and the Worm Snakes have functional eyes. The Brahminy Blind Snake does not live in the wild in Ohio. not in wild <image courtesy of Ken Krysko>
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