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  • body color clearly broken
  • snake without rattle
  • without light-colored longitudinal stripes
  • without light-colored ring around neck
  • usually longer than 15 inches, not colored as above
  • belly color other than red or red-orange
  • head about same width as neck
  • large blotches down middle of back
  • snakes face tapers into rounded nose
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Large, dark blotches along middle of back lengthen into bands that extend down the sides. blothces along back <image courtesy of Dr. Martin J. Rosenberg>

Large, dark blotches along middle of back restricted to the back, not down the sides. blothces on back only <image courtesy of Dr. Martin J. Rosenberg>

Large black blotches along middle of back alternating with large black blotches on sides producing a faint chain link pattern due to the grayish background color. This pattern is most prominent on young hatchings, and it often fades as snakes mature resulting in some adults appearing almost solid black. Underside of all ages is a distinct black and white checkerboard pattern. blothces on back only <image courtesy of Dean Alessandrini>
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