Virtual Scavenger Hunt

Program Audience
School Age Children

Program Type

Brief description:
Participants race to be the first to find household objects.

How-to for this program:

Materials needed: List of household objects for people to find

Technology needed: Laptop/tablet, internet connection, Zoom/Google Hangout

Time required for planning: 30 minutes

Time required for presentation: 30 - 60 minutes (You can make it last as little or as long as you want.)

How to:

1. Make a list of at least 20 items that can be found in a home; eg. a paperclip, shampoo, something with wheels, something with a flower on it, something that smells good, something you can see through, a book with your first name initial in the title...

2. Have participants join you in a Zoom or Google Hangout meeting. 

3. Explain the rules to the players: Tablet/screen has to stay in a stationary place. I will tell you an object to find. Wait until I say "go" and then race to find said object. First player back on their screen with that object wins that round. 

I have played this with kids ages 5 - 14 at the same time. It is the most fun program I had this summer. The kids (and I) had a blast! I normally have a scavenger hunt at the library at all times and the kids earn a trinket prize that I get from Raymond Geddes or Oriental Trading. I gave these prizes out via curbside service to all participants after the game. It didn't matter who won any of the rounds. I gave a prize to everyone. 

Contact person:
Mary Anne Wood
London Public Library