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OPLIN 4cast #9

Posted in library fines, Library vs. Internet, portable apps, USB drives, and WordPress

This week’s 4cast:

1. The Library vs. The Internet: Who’s Winning?

LISNews ponders whether the tide has turned against libraries.

2. I Don’t Care Where We Go… Just Take Me With You

Portable applications are software programs that can run directly from a removable storage device, such as a USB memory stick, without having to install anything on the computer itself.

3.Impress with WordPress

The OPLIN 4cast is but one of a growing legion of blogs/websites that owe their existence to WordPress publishing software. It’s free, it’s fully customizable, it’s easy to install, and it’s spawned a devoted community of user forums for ideas and support.

4. No More Fines? Fine By Some

The Christian Science Monitor recently asked whether the concept of library fines should go the way of the purple mimeograph. This same discussion came up earlier in the year (see the third link below).
