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4Cast #92: Online Book Discussions…Interactive Websites…Vista Drops in Price…Another Google Hook-up?

Posted in 4cast, Add new tag, desktop applications, Kindle, podcasting, and StumbleUpon

1. Live, Online Book Discussions?
Oprah’s new Live Book Club launched on Monday, March 3rd. Approximately 500,000 simultaneous logons crashed the system, but Harpo Productions, Inc. says that they are going to keep trying. The club is available as a podcast on or iTunes.

2. Get interactive
Making websites interactive will boost traffic and can quite easily feature library activities and services. Putting your librarians – and even your patrons – in the spotlight will make users keep coming back to see what’s new.

3. Oh, Vista
Microsoft significantly dropped the price of Vista when it released it to 70 different countries last week. Price cuts vary by country, but if purchased in the US, only the higher-end versions get the new price.

4. / Google Hook-up?
First Jeeves left Teoma…now Ask?
