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OPLIN 4Cast #97: Google Invasion, Flickr Video, HP Upline, App Engine

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1. Google gets intrusive
As if Google isn’t already imbedded in our everyday online lives, now they are in our front yards, too. One Pittsburg couple thinks privacy should prevail and is suing Google for posting their house on Street View.

2. Flickr premieres your videos
Flickr, born in 2004 to host only pictures, introduced video capabilities yesterday. Limited to 150MB, this service is available to Pro members. At this point, we free members will be able to view these clips but not upload our own, at least for the time being.

3. Let HP store your stuff
HP upline is now available. Available free for the first year and with temporarily only one gig available per user, later it will offer unlimited online storage for paid subscribers. Besides being used for backups, users can store data online, share files, publish files, and access PCs remotely.

4. Still more from Google
Want to create and test a new web application, but need a place to store it? Try Google App Engine.
