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OPLIN 4Cast #99: Britannica in blogs, Kindle still in demand, Online news, Eee PC

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1. Bloggers can use Encyclopedia Britannica
If you blog regularly and your site qualifies, you may be permitted to include Encyclopaedia Britannica links in your posts.
You mention a topic, link to it, and your blog readers can click on the link to learn more…and it’s all free!

2. Amazon Kindle still in high demand
The hand-held reader sold out pretty quickly, and now their replacements have arrived, and on top of that, there might be a “next generation” version coming soon. Users will need more ebooks as summer approaches.

3. Americans turning to web for news
While the results of several recent polls vary, the message is still the same: Americans prefer to get their news online.

4. Eee PC
Many tech blogs are talking about the machine that’s “Easy to learn, Easy to work, Easy to play.” Let’s also add that it’s more compact and cheaper than a standard notebook. Eee PC 900 comes in both Microsoft Windows and Linux versions.
