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OPLIN 4Cast #104: MS Book Search, Broadband, 2.0, Land Lines

Posted in 4cast, AOL, cellphones, communication, GDrive, LinkedIn, Second Life, social network websites, TwitterThoughts, and Web 2.0

1. End of MS Book Search
It’s all up to Google now…or is it?

2. Keeping us connected
Currently, the US is ranked #15 in worldwide broadband usage. What will it take to get everyone online from wherever they are? Free Broadband? Better wireless?

3. 2.0 is good for what?
Keeping us connected. At least that’s what these articles indicate. We are all more interactive now. We talk about the latest TV episodes on Twitter, have MySpace themes that plaster our opinions of movies and music, and blog about what’s happening around us. Apparently, Web 2.0 is one big water cooler.

4. R.I.P. land lines
Half of world’s population has a mobile device. It’s important to know how to reach your users, and land lines are a dying breed. Is your web site mobile? Are you sending blog, Twitter and MySpace updates regularly?
