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OPLIN 4cast #16

Posted in DOPA, eBooks, net neutrality, and OPAC

This week’s 4cast:

1. The Straight Dope on DOPA

The House of Representatives recently passed a bill called the Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA) by a 410-15 margin. If it becomes law, schools and libraries receiving federal E-Rate funds will be required to prohibit access to a wide range of social networking websites like the enormously popular MySpace, as well as common “chat room” services like AOL Instant Messenger and Yahoo! Chat.

2. Net Neutrality: Can You Hear Me Now?

Meanwhile, as the net neutrality debate rages on towards an uncertain resolution, a recent study suggests that net neutrality actually has a detrimental affect on the quality of Internet phone services (VoIP), and could hinder the expansion of increasingly popular ones like Skype.

3.Not Enough Noses in E-books

Why is it taking so long for electronic books to catch on with readers? Probably because nobody has developed a reading device with the universal appeal of the iPod music player. But a handful of big companies will continue to try, including Apple (maybe).

4. Time for OPACs to Pack It In?

Librarians far and wide are waking up to the fact that their online catalogs just aren’t good enough.
