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OPLIN 4Cast #116: Google is at it again, IE8, Mozilla news, Who gets spam?

Posted in 4cast

1.  Google is really showing off some productivity this week, the highlight being their new open-source browser, Chrome.

2. Slashdot notes that “Internet Explorer 8 has been released for public beta.  New features include accelerators, which provide instant context menu access for a number of common tasks; automatic crash recovery, which prevents a single page’s failures from taking down your entire browser; and browser privacy…it’s a definite improvement over previous versions, and brings a lot to the table.”

3. Mozilla developers have been playing around with JavaScript performance. The result is TraceMonkey, which appears to improve Firefox performance. It should show up in version 3.1 of the browser. Also, try playing with Ubiquity, a new prototype which is the natural-language, command-based shell for Firefox.

4. I just saw a warning about ASCII spam, and that got me wondering…Why do some people get more spam than others?  It’s all in a name…
