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OPLIN 4cast #20

Posted in digital movie downloads, Google, Library 2.0, Library of Congress, productivity, social network websites, social search, and techies

This week’s 4cast:

1. Technology Trumps “Traditional Librarianship”

Library of Congress employees who don’t want to learn new technology skills are being offered incentives to retire. Meanwhile, other library organizations (particularly in Canada) are trying to recruit more tech-saavy people into the profession. More than ever, it’s important for established librarians to keep up with the times.

2. Microsoft Bumps Into Google at the Water Cooler

Google has just released Google Apps for Your Domain, a suite of productivity tools for organizations (including e-mail, instant messaging, and a group calendar) that is entirely free and online, requiring no downloads of any kind (although there are ads).

3. Social Search: Everyone’s a Reference Librarian?

More and more search engines are incorporating a human touch into the search process, by allowing communities to rank results and give answers to questions that had previously been provided by complex algorithims.

4. You Should Be in the Digital Movie Downloads Business, Kid

In recent weeks, a whole slew of Hollywood studios have signed on with a whole slew of major players to distribute digital movie downloads. Still to be determined, though – how much will it actually cost for people to download a movie?
