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OPLIN 4cast #21

Posted in ALA, Evergreen, Google News, and OPLIN

This week’s 4cast:

1. Burn the Microfilm: Google Now Selling Old News

Google recently unveiled the Google News Archive Search, which allows users to search up to 200 years of archived articles and stories from various news publications, such as the New York Times, The Washington Post, Time, and many others.

2. Georgia Plants an Evergreen

The Georgia Public Library Service’s PINES program recently debuted a new online shared catalog for all 252 Georgia public libraries called Evergreen. Evergreen is built with open source software and offers features that strive to compete with more commercial book-buying websites.

3. ALA Wants to Know What You Think

The American Library Association is hosting a usability survey to find out how they can improve their sometimes-maligned website.

4. OPLIN Stakeholders Meeting @ the OLC 2006 Expo

OPLIN’s annual Stakeholders Meeting will be held this Friday from 9-10 a.m. as part of the OLC 2006 Expo in Columbus. Those of you expecting another OPLIN 4cast Podcast on Friday will have to wait until early next week, when we plan to podcast our Annual Report. But first, we plan to deliver it live and in person at Stakeholders.
