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OPLIN 4cast #23

Posted in biometrics, Citizendium, Internet, Library 2.0, Web 2.0, and Wikipedia

Last updated on September 29, 2006

This week’s 4cast:

1. The Internet in 2020: Smart Agents, Refuseniks & Flattening

Pew Internet & American Life Project has released their Future of the Internet II report, based on a survey of hundreds of “internet leaders, activists, builders, and commentators.”

2. Pain Can Be Good for You

Apparently, making technology-related changes in a library setting can be difficult.

3. Citizendium to Wikipedia – Amateur Hour is Over

For those who find Wikipedia too anarchic, one of its co-founders is starting an offshoot called Citizendium that he hopes will solve many of Wikipedia’s perceived weaknesses – namely, the free-for-all, anonymous editing and lack of authoritative control over topics.

4. Let Your Fingers Be Your Wallet

Different industries are experimenting with biometrics – scanning customer fingerprints, retinas, or other identifying physical characteristics in order to quickly authenticate or make transactions with them later. Will library patrons eventually check out books with the touch of a finger? When one Illinois library tried fingerprint scanning in 2005, a huge outcry ensued.
