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OPLIN 4cast #24

Posted in cellphones, copyright, desktop applications, DRM, eBooks, Microsoft, and productivity

This week’s 4cast:

1. British Library Warns of Emerging Copyright Crisis

The DRM and copyright battles are heating up on both sides of the Atlantic. The British Library has published a manifesto questioning current copyright law as it relates to digital content, and warning about the dire effect that overly zealous copyright protection will have on fair use priviledges – for education, preservation, and scholarly efforts in general.

2. Microsoft Defends Its Office

Lots of different companies have been challenging Microsoft’s supremacy in the productivity software realm by releasing MS Office-like utilities as free, online applications. With the recent release of Google Apps For Your Domain, it looks like Microsoft may finally be awaking from its slumber.

3. Surf’s Up on Cellphones

A recent report estimates that the total number of cellular connections in the world has topped 2.5 billion, and more people are using their cellphones to access the Internet. Although the “.mobi” domain extension went live last week, a more fundamental problem exists – how to make already-existing content and image-intensive websites work on a tiny, handheld device?

4. Sony Unveils Its E-book Reader

After a considerable amount of hype, the Sony Reader has finally been released… to so-so reviews from both publishers and users.
