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OPLIN 4cast #28

Posted in Library 2.0, training, and Web 2.0

Last updated on November 8, 2006

This week’s 4cast:

1. Internet Librarian 2006: A Big Ol’ Roundup

The Internet Librarian 2006 conference was held last week in Monterey, California, and it quite thoroughly covered by lots of library bloggers. The first link below links to some of the better-known ones, who even covered individual sessions.

2. E-Learning New Lessons

More libraries are using electronically delivered learning methods and Web 2.0 technologies to help their staff pick up new skills. The Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County has created an entire program for this purpose.

3. Be Your Own Google

Google recently released Google Co-op, which allows users (or organizations) to create a Google-powered search engine with results limited to their own customized list of websites.

4. Gettin’ Schooled on Web 2.0

Solution Watch (an “emerging technology” review site) recently ran a three-part series that thoroughly outlines, describes, and categorizes a huge amount of Web 2.0 products. Although these lists are geared more towards schools, libraries will surely find some useful ones too.
