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OPLIN 4cast #30

Posted in ASCII, Google Apps, Google News Archive Search, Library 2.0, Mozilla, TraceMonkey, and Ubiquity

This week’s 4cast:

1. Head in the Tag Clouds

A tag cloud is a visual way of identifying popular content on any given website through the prevalence of keywords or tags (see Flickr, Technorati, and for well-known examples). A few libraries have experimented with tag clouds as a way for patrons to navigate their catalogs, news, or other online resources.

2. Search Gets Personal

A variety of search engines are trying to give their results a more human-like feel, whether that means offering live human guides to assist searchers (see ChaCha) or creating a saucy, virtual guide to egg you on (see Ms. Dewey). Actual quality of search results may vary.

3. To Library 2.0 or Not To Library 2.0?

If you’re still finding it difficult to grasp Library 2.0 (either in principle or in practice), there are several gigantic lists of links and examples to further enlighten and/or overwhelm you.

4. Meanwhile, the World Starts Talking About 3.0

While libraries are still waking up to the possibilities of Web 2.0 applications, other industries are already peering beyond.
