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OPLIN 4cast #31

Posted in filtering, newspapers, social network websites, and spam

This week’s 4cast:

1. Already Sick of Sharing?

Social networking is still huge, but as more and more people (and libraries) join in, is the coolness factor wearing off?

2. Extra! Extra! Young People Are Not Reading All About It!

Meanwhile, as the newspaper industry watches its readership (especially young readers) dwindle, some observers see a parallel downward spiral in library circulation.

3. Library Patrons Fight for Their Right to Women & Guns

A Washington regional library system is getting hit from both the left (American Civil Liberties Union) and right (Second Amendment Foundation) by a lawsuit challenging its refusal to disable Internet filters on public-access computers.

4. The Perfect Stocking Stuffer? Lots & Lots of Spam

Researchers have confirmed that in recent weeks, the world is getting slammed with spam. Why? Some say it’s the holidays – others blame the Russians.
