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OPLIN 4cast #3

Posted in blogs, filtering, games, instant messaging, and wiki

The OPLIN 4cast is a new, weekly compilation of recent headlines, topics, and trends that could impact public libraries. You can subscribe to it via RSS feed at

This week’s 4cast:

1. Filters Can’t Keep Up with the Kids

CNET identifies ways in which high school students work around Internet filters, and suggests countermeasures that parents and educators can try to keep the kids in line while they’re online.

2. One Wicked Library Wiki

Meredith Farkas (a March 2006 Library Journal “Mover & Shaker”) recently created Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki, a “one-stop-shop for great ideas and information for all types of librarians.” There are categories covering a full range of library-related topics, so contribute your ideas, peruse, and use.

3. Grandma’s Got the Top Score

Most libraries don’t think they’re in the business of games. It might be because they think the platforms change too quickly, or that it’s “just” entertainment. But the Alzheimer’s Association is starting to push puzzles as therapy, which might start putting more game controllers into the hands of baby boomers (and senior Gen-X-ers).

4. Libraries Learn to IM ’em

At last Thursday’s OHIONET Annual Membership Meeting, Aaron Schmidt delivered a compelling opening session titled “Creating User-Centric Libraries through Technology.” In it, he demonstrated how libraries can connect (and re-connect) with their patrons through web services such as, flickr, and instant messaging. Check out some of Aaron’s entries on these topics at walking paper, his blog:
