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OPLIN 4cast #36

Posted in Dimdim, DOPA, net neutrality, NORWELD, and wireless

This week’s 4cast:

1. DOPA is Dead, Long Live Technophobia

Network Neutrality appears safe for the time being and the proposed Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA) evaporated with the new year, but will legislators continue to try and reign in the “series of tubes” in ’07?

2. Thanks, We’re All Very Honored

Time magazine recently published their annual Person of the Year issue, and the honors for 2006 go to… You (that is, the everyday users who are generating web content via blogs, wikis, social network sites, and more). So where do libraries fit in?

3. Wires Are Like, So 2006…

Is your library thinking about going wireless in 2007? How about your town or city?

4. Feeling Secure? Well, Stop It!

Library networks may not be as attractive a target to hackers as banks or credit card companies, but that doesn’t mean library IT staff should doze off on security in 2007.
