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OPLIN 4cast #502: Future shock… just sharing the joy

Posted in 4cast, Facebook, and predictions

I subscribe to a crap ton  (that’s a scientific measurement, right?) of RSS feeds.  Admittedly, I struggle to keep up with all of them. It takes me at least several hours per week just to weed out the posts that aren’t relevant to me and to scan and file the rest.  Many of the blogs and sites I subscribe to are, unsurprisingly, technology-related.  And, perhaps, it is those that cause me the most stress.

Technology is moving so fast it’s making me dizzy.  It’s getting to a point where I can’t always absorb all of the changes and the things that are just over the horizon.  Maybe you feel similarly?

To give you a little taste of what I’ve run across recently, I’m sharing these four (4) recent posts.

  • 17 ways technology will change our lives by 2050 [Business Insider] Ian Pearson, a futurist with an 85% accuracy record, predicts that machines will gain consciousness by 2025, and that smartphones will be obsolete in the not-so-far future. “If it’s 2025 and you have a smartphone, people will laugh at you,” he said.
  • The enterprise technologies to watch in 2016 [ZDNet]This post isn’t about the future, it’s about now.  “There are several new additions to the list this year that — despite rampant overuse of the term these days — hold the potential to be genuinely disruptive in the short term. These include blockchain, digital/customer experience management, and real-time stream processing, or fast data.” So…great. A whole chart of things we’re already probably behind on.
  • Facebook Live is changing our world. Is that a good thing? [CNN] Talk about fast social change; Facebook Live and other live streaming apps are making it apparent that the future, in at least one way, is here. CNN runs down the pros and cons. “Live video allows us to see what’s happening in the world as it happens. Just as it gives us a window into the best moments in people’s lives, it can also let us bear witness to the worst. Live video can be a powerful tool in a crisis — to document events or ask for help.”
  • The Future of User Interaction: Beyond Touchscreens [Marketing Tech Blog] Holographs, brain waves and OLEDs, oh my!  You might be scrapping that computer mouse soon…or at least, adding in some new hardware. “Newer devices, like Emotiv, utilize electroencephalography (EEG) detection to tap into actual brain waves to interface with external applications.”

Need some more? Try these Articles from Ohio Web Library:

