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OPLIN 4cast #519: The biggest battle in tech has begun

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The tech giants are at it again, in a brand-new arena. This time, the competition isn’t websites, tablets or phones; it’s personal assistants. With the success of the Amazon Echo, a smart speaker that answers voice commands, plays music, and controls smart homes, it was inevitable that competitors would emerge. However, when one starts examining this rivalry just a little more closely, it’s not too difficult to realize that the real game isn’t about personal assistants; it’s really about who is going to control the voice interface. While this race perhaps began with Apple’s Siri, Amazon and Google may be taking the final lap. Right now, these two giants are fighting it out for holiday shopping dollars.

  • Google Home vs. Amazon Echo: Alexa takes round 1 [CNET] “For now, the Amazon Echo beats the Google Home 2-1 and wins the battle in this exciting new category of devices. Undoubtedly, although this first battle is won, the competition is far from over. The Home will integrate with more smart home platforms, more Google services, and get better and better at understanding context as a conversational assistant. Just don’t expect Alexa to sit idly by as Google Home improves.”
  • Forget personal assistants, The real battle is for voice UIs [Medium] “If this was a fight to be the digital butler of choice then I would bet on Google. In reality, I think the fight today is about something much simpler. It’s about who will control the voice user interface. Voice is the natural interface for connected devices that often have no screen to touch or keyboard to type with.”
  • The voice-operated future is upon us: Logged On [] “Amazon has a lead in the home automation market, but Google will certainly come on strong. With the Google Home much cheaper, it’s a battle to watch this holiday shopping season. “
  • Google Home Vs. Amazon Echo: Everything You Need To Know [Forbes] “But Echo also terrified Google. The tech giant spent years building intelligent voice assistants for phone and tablets, and now suddenly here’s Amazon  stealing its thunder. So last May it announced Google Home, its own voice-enabled smart speaker.”

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