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OPLIN 4Cast #554: Self-driving cars are not all rainbows and unicorns

Posted in 4cast, AI, and Self-driving vehicles

I admit, I have been silently cheering the progress of autonomous (self-driving) cars for some time. I have a son, who’s almost 13. Who hasn’t had some trepidation at the idea of their offspring behind the wheel? The idea of him not actually driving, and being safer, is definitely appealing.

But, self-driving cars aren’t quite here, yet. There are some on the roads now, but there are still kinks to be worked out…and some of those are issues are human issues.

  • Self-Driving Cars Are Confusing Drivers—And Spooking Insurers [WIRED] “But these cars, at least in the short-term, could make driving riskier because people don’t yet understand the technology or just how it works.”
  • You can confuse self-driving cars by altering street signs [Engadget] “If attackers know how a car classifies the objects it sees (such as target photos of signs), they can generate stickers that can trick the car into believing a sign really means something else.”
  • Five actions Congress may take on self-driving cars [The Hill] “The most significant congressional effort yet to address the emerging technology comes as traffics deaths have been climbing. Automakers now are promising aggressive timelines to bring fully driverless vehicles to the market as quickly as possible.”
  • UK publishes Laws of Robotics for self-driving cars [The Register] “Penned by the UK’s Department for Transport, with help from the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, and launched by transport minister Lord Callanan, the principles suggest all participants in the auto industry’s long supply chains must work together on security both in the design process and for years after vehicles hit the roads.”

From the Ohio Web Library:
