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OPLIN 4Cast #621: Microchips aren’t just for pets…now they’re for employees

Posted in 4cast, and biohacking

I’ve given presentations on technology trends for a good number of years, and the reactions to most trends generally run the gamut from “Hey, that’s cool!” to “Ok, well, maybe that will impact me, but I doubt it.” But, in 2017, when I would start explaining how Wisconsin-based tech company Three Square Market implanted microchips in 100 employees (the employees volunteered), it was always easy to read the room: attendees would typically get visibly antsy or even upset. The chips allowed for fairly innocuous actions, such as opening doors or getting snacks from vending machines. However, the whole idea of implanting a device directly into a human freaked many out…especially because we, as library folks, consider privacy a large facet of what we do.

So, if you weren’t already nervous, the recent news about the uptick in microchip biohacking probably will make sure you are. Or, maybe you’re finally thinking about how you could never lose your ID or keys again.

From the Ohio Web Library:


