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OPLIN 4Cast #687: Will new tech help advertisers grab our attention?

Posted in 4cast, and Advertising

If you’re like me, you probably rarely think about advertisements, other than to possibly figure out how to avoid them. But ads are everywhere, of course, and the entities that create and pay for them are constantly working to make sure that we see even more of them. To this end, companies are trying a variety of new tactics, many including new uses of technology.

  • How Advertising Will Get Way More Personal—and Then Vanish Completely [Singularity Hub] “But with a blitzkrieg of technologies converging on the industry, advertising will continue to change. First, it’s likely to get a little more invasive and a lot more personal. Yet this won’t last. Not long after, the entire social media marketing market will vanish. How long will that take? We give it 10 to 12 years.”
  • Lyft buys a startup that runs ads on top of ridesharing cars [Engadget] “Lyft might have another way to generate revenue from trips. The company has acquired Halo Cars, a startup that lets drivers for app-based car services run taxi-style ads on top of their vehicles.”
  • Google Bans Nearly 600 Android Apps, Cites ‘Disruptive Ads’ [PC Magazine] ” There’s an ongoing effort to stop these apps from entering the Play Store and getting distributed on a large number of smartphones and tablets. It’s all part of mobile ad fraud, which Google labels as an industry-wide challenge harming users and advertisers.”
  • First 3D Gaming Ad-Verification Pilot Delivers 23% Higher Viewability than Display Ads [ExchangeWire] ” During December 2019, ads were served with geo and real-time targeting to over 400,000 gamers on mobile and PC as part of a campaign to reach a younger generation of consumers. On average, CHEQ found that during the campaign, 80.2% of game players achieved a level of viewability in which they saw 95% of ads for at least two seconds. This is compared to only 65% viewability for at least two seconds when the same brand served banner ads using traditional online display advertising channels.”

From the Ohio Web Library:
