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OPLIN 4Cast #715: Working from home isn’t the paradise we hoped for

Posted in 4cast, and telework

Last updated on November 24, 2020

I have to be up front here: I’ve been a full-time telecommuter for over a dozen years. WFH, as it’s now called, is not a new situation for me. Over the years, many people have wondered how I’ve handled the regular isolation and the temptations that might surround me in my house. Suffice it to say, some people are comfortable with this type of setup, and many are not.

With the advent of the pandemic, it’s becoming increasingly clear that there are lots of obstacles to effective WFH that can’t always be cleared. Some are tech-related and some issues are related to the different sorts of stressors that can happen in the very different work environment.

From the Ohio Web Library:
