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OPLIN 4cast #57

Posted in Boxee, Diigo, Facebook, GIMP, iPhones, Library 2.0, library school, LibraryThing, LinkedIn, OPAC, and SEO

This week’s 4cast:

1. Facebook Opens Up, Makes MySpace Look Bad

Facebook, the social networking website originally aimed at college students (but now open to everyone), recently made its API available to third-party developers, allowing anyone to create applications that can be used on Facebook pages. Some observers are predicting that more users will ditch the uptight confines of MySpace.

2. LibraryThing & WorldCat Local Introduce Guinea Pigs

Both LibraryThing for Libraries (a service that allows libraries to enhance their OPACs with LibraryThing stuff) and WorldCat Local (a service that allows libraries to enhance their OPACs with WorldCat stuff) are now beta-testing in the wild.

3. Congress to FCC: Faster! Faster!

Recently, the FCC has been taking it on the chin (see item 4) due to their questionable methods of measuring broadband availability. Congress is now realizing that American broadband looks pretty lousy compared to most developed nations, and is taking steps to improve the national broadband outlook. The first step? Updating the definition of “broadband.”

4. Be Cool, Stay in Library School?

So are MLS students being taught the right kinds of skills? It’s only the future of the profession at stake, after all.
