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OPLIN 4Cast #762: Too much screentime? Do limits on kids even matter now?

Posted in 4cast, and pandemic

Pre-pandemic, we had very strict boundaries on my teenage son’s screen time. He was allotted a certain time amount on school nights, with slightly more allowed on weekends. When remote learning and lockdown arrived however, those limits went straight out the window. We tried to keep the original system but found it was entirely unpractical. Aside from the hours spent in online school, there was almost nothing else for him to do other than play games and hang out with his friends virtually (especially in the winter!). In the beginning, my son was in digital heaven. But, it got to a point, after several months of endless screen time, that even he grew bored of most of these activities.

With in-person school on the near horizon, we’re not the only parents struggling to rein in our child’s screen time again. It’s not just parents who are worried about how much time young people have spent online. The experts are weighing in, and the opinions are mixed.

From the Ohio Web Library:
