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OPLIN 4cast #61

Posted in ALA, games, GIMP, Internet, Library 2.0, Library vs. Internet, OPAC, Screen Readers, social network websites, URL shorteners, Web 2.0, and World Digital Library

This week’s 4cast:

1. The Digital Natives Are Restless

At the ALA Annual Conference (wrapping up this week in Washington D.C.), librarians were given some advice about appealing to a generation raised on the Internet – to understand these digital natives, you must immerse yourself in their culture. And that means social networking, tagging, and -gasp- gaming.

2. The Only Thing to Fear is the Sound of Crickets

Is your library afraid of the digital natives and their cacophonous culture? What about when they become taxpayers and voters?

3. Oh OPAC, What Are We To Do With You?

Anytime a library blogger mentions the sorry state of the OPAC, everyone piles on. But strong ideas on how to fix the OPAC have been slow to emerge. Recently, the Phoenix Public Library unveiled their new website/catalog combo, as an example of one approach.

4. Where Money Flows, Taxes Follow

While their constituents enjoy the free exchange of ideas and services on the Internet, some lawmakers see a potential source of revenue in the government’s net.
