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OPLIN 4Cast #769: Technology is increasing access to healthcare and I’m here for it

Posted in 4cast, and Healthcare

I’ve been a big fan of being able to get to all of the health information for myself and my family digitally. Accessing test results, appointment information, contacting providers directly and telehealth appointments have become mainstream functions available to patients. As it turns out, I’m not the only one who thinks this is generally a good idea. Technology is increasingly becoming more intertwined with health services. This week we round up some of the latest developments.

  • launches with $3.7M to tackle virtual diabetes care [TechCrunch] “Lynne Chou O’Keefe, founder and managing partner at Define Ventures, says the future of healthcare is going to be more consumer-focused and will be wrapped around the patient’s care journey. She considers to be leading this type of care with a platform that bundles education, community, coaching and care that is direct-to-consumer.”
  • Can apps manage our chronic health conditions? [BBC News] “Almost 50,000 people have used Joint Academy since April last year, the company says, compared to 15,000 during its first six years in business. It is now the most common first-line treatment of chronic joint pain in Sweden.”
  • Bringing precision to musculoskeletal health [MIT News] ” For a full-body evaluation, users strap seven sensors on their body. To evaluate a specific muscle group or joint, the system works with only one or two sensors. The sensors send data to a mobile app that walks users through a series of movements similar to a physical exam. The system uses a technology called surface mechanomyography, which tracks tiny muscle movements to measure contractions and other muscle activity. A report is then automatically generated that shows the differences between a healthy person’s musculoskeletal performance and the user’s.”
  • GPS, health technology has changed way Texas A&M prepares football athletes [The Eagle] “Global positioning system technology tracks more than cell phones and passenger jets these days. It also can track athletes, and companies specializing in GPS and health tracking technology, like Catapult, have become a mainstay in athletic programs around the country, including the Aggie football team thanks to head coach Jimbo Fisher.”

From the Ohio Web Library:
