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OPLIN 4Cast #777: Get ready for new ways to shop online

Posted in 4cast, and Shopping

No doubt, you’ve already heard the multiple warnings to start holiday shopping early this year, due to the ongoing supply chain issues being felt in nearly every retail environment. The pandemic created an explosion in the ecommerce industry, and there are no signs that things are slowing down. In fact, ecommerce is evolving. Fast.

  • Why the Internet Is Turning Into QVC [NY Times] “This is happening for three reasons: greed, fear and China. And the growing mania for digital shopping options is another example of how our experiences online are shaped just as much by corporations’ interests as by our desires.”
  • Live Shopping is the Next Big Thing. Here’s Why. [ReadWrite] “The pandemic has forever changed the retail landscape, making it much more digital. And as brick-and-mortar stores give way to ecommerce, retailers are finding themselves scrambling for consumers’ attention in an increasingly chaotic and crowded online environment. The answer to cutting through all that noise? Become more like streaming services.”
  • Charlotte Tilbury Makes Metaverse Move with “Shop with Friends” [WWD] “Charlotte Tilbury wants to change that. A new “Shop with Friends” feature, announced Monday, will allow people to peruse the beauty brand’s virtual store together as a shared experience.”
  • NBCUniversal to launch livestream shopping, following Big Tech’s lead [Reuters] “The traditional media company is vying with tech companies for a piece of the so-called social commerce industry, which is expected to balloon to $50 billion from $36 billion in annual U.S. sales by 2023 according to research firm eMarketer.”

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