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OPLIN 4Cast #781: Companies are producing more creative packaging

Posted in 4cast, and Packaging

It’s the time of year when lots of packages arrive at our house. Between gifts that have been sent from family and regular Amazon deliveries, a fair number of things have shown up on our front porch as of late. Of course, inside each delivery is typically some other type of packaging as well. We try to recycle as much as we can, but packing materials still account for a good bit of the overall “stuff.” What if packaging could do or be more? Some recent trends are demonstrating that companies are starting to think outside of the box.

  • Tetra Pak Launches Industry First ‘Universal’ Connected Packaging Experience [Fab News] “The connected experience can be adapted to the specific needs of each brand and product, to create a bespoke digital marketing solution for each type of audience. Divided into two different segments, the app offers versions suitable for young people and adults. Both options offer templated functionality which includes quizzes, AR experience to showcase the brand’s packaging in 360 degrees, interactive games with leaderboards and competition prizes. As well as the option to ‘share a selfie’ with branded filters via social media and encourage friends to join the game too.”
  • Singing Frozen Food Packaging : Singing Packaging [Influencer Style] “Fans can push the sticker — located at the front of the box — to hear 15-seconds of cheery music. The new marketing scheme is part of the brand’s ongoing ‘Happyfull’ campaign that highlights the “special feeling” eating a delicious Stouffer’s meal provides.”
  • Plant-Based Beverage Packaging [TrendHunter] “The packaging utilizes plant-based paraxylene that is converted into terephthalic acid (PTA) that is traditionally used to make up 70% of the material composition for PET. This is combined with Annelotech’s mono ethylene glycol (MEG) that’s plant-based as well that has been sourced from molasses.”
  • Packaging trial: Kellogg’s starts using recyclable paper liners in cereal boxes [GreenRetail.World ] “The results of the recyclable paper trial will support the brand’s future cereal packaging plans, and the move contributes to the company’s commitment to ensure all its packaging is 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable by the end of 2025.”

From the Ohio Web Library:
