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OPLIN 4cast #69

Posted in filtering, games, Mail Googles, Pepeets,, Twitmatic, and Ubiquity

This week’s 4cast:

1. Your Public Library = The New Arcade?

As the audience for online games continues to diversify and grow, what steps are libraries taking to accomodate and reach this group? ALA’s Gaming, Learning, and Libraries Symposium (blog), held last month in Chicago, has generated a lot of literature on the topic, and many of the sessions are available online.

2. The Glass is 1/4 Empty

A recent Associated Press-Ipsos poll focused on American reading habits. Among other findings, it concluded that one in four adults have not read a book in the last year, and that older people generally read more than younger people. So is this good news for libraries (most adults are reading books) or cause for alarm?

3. Librarians to “Slam the Boards”

On Monday, September 10th, librarians from around the globe will attempt to inundate the many online reference sites (i.e. Yahoo! Answers, Askville, Wikipedia Reference Desk, and ChaCha) with some top-notch question-answerin’. The idea is to demonstrate for users of these sites that librarians are really the best go-to when they need reference help.

4. The Filtering Follies

The price and potential pitfalls of large-scale Internet filtering is playing out Down Under, where the Australian government has unveiled a nationwide Internet filtering initiative, which was subsequently cracked in half an hour by a Melbourne teenager.
