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OPLIN 4cast #73

Posted in Add new tag, Apple, Internet, Let Simon Decide, Scribd, usability, and web design

This week’s 4cast:

1. Let’s Meet Somewhere Else

Karen Coombs (Library Web Chic) ponders whether the time, effort, and resources devoted to the aesthetics and endless details of her library’s website redesign would be better spent figuring out how to make the library’s data and content more usable in places other than the website. You know, where people actually go.

2. Hopin’ for Open

More and more libraries are interested in open source software and solutions, but without the technical expertise on staff, the prospect becomes daunting. Where to begin?

3. Honk if You Love the Mudflap Girl

So how do you know if your statewide library marketing campaign is making an impact? Level of kerfuffle in the bibliogosphere is one measure.

4. No Talk, Just Type

According to a recent survey, American adults are willing to sacrifice the time they would otherwise spend with friends, loved ones, or a newspaper in order to spend it online. Younger folks tend to see less of a distinction between being online and offline.
