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OPLIN 4cast #74

Posted in Library 2.0, NORWELD, Pixlr, Tweetmeme, and Web 2.0

This week’s 4cast:

1. Technology’s Elusive Rewards

So your library spends plenty of time researching, testing, and implementing new technology, but the results are never quite what you had hoped for. How do you really know when a shiny, new technology is the right one for you?

2. Your Own Worst Enemy

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, and several recent surveys suggest that the single biggest threat to any organization’s computers are the computer users themselves.

3. See You at the Office (Online)

More people are abandoning their traditional desktop word processing and spreadsheet applications for free, web-based ones. Google Docs leads the pack, but Adobe and others are also joining the race. Microsoft is now beginning to think about an online version of Office.

4. Death to Vista; Long Live XP?

Meanwhile, given the lackluster adoption rate of the Vista operating system, Microsoft is now allowing PC manufacturers to continue offering Windows XP to their customers (at least for a while).
