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4cast #77: IL2007, OCLC Report, Twine, Catalogs

Posted in blogs, Boss & Vertical Lens, Company Buzz, Google News Archive Search, OPAC, social network websites, Truveo, and Video searches

Last updated on December 4, 2007

This week’s 4cast:

1. Do You Know the Way to Monterey?

The Internet Librarian 2007 conference is underway in Monterey, California, and many of the library world’s illuminati are in attendance, liveblogging the event and individual sessions.

2. OCLC is Your “Friend”

OCLC has just issued a new report called Sharing, Privacy and Trust in Our Networked World, exploring the impact of online social networks (such as MySpace, etc.) and where libraries currently fit into the picture.

3. Twine Wants to Tie Your Knots

Twine is a new service (in private beta) that allows users to neatly organize and share their many disparate web activites through a single, easy-to-use interface. What sets it apart is its “intelligent” automated tagging, which some are saying could be a huge step towards a next-generation, semantic web.

4. As the Catalog Goes, So Go Libraries?

Unless significant improvements are made to library catalogs (OPACs in particular), some foresee the end of the local catalog, and possibly the downfall of the library altogether. Meanwhile, OhioLINK’s Disruptive Library Technology Jester has written out the four approaches that libraries can take to improve their OPACs, from small changes to wholescale replacements.
