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4cast #78: Digitization, OpenSocial, ILS, Websites

Posted in Add new tag, Apple, digitization, Diigo, Evergreen, Federal Register, Google, Obama, social network websites, Videosurf, and web design

This week’s 4cast:

1. Don’t Digitize That Obituary Just Yet

Anthony Grafton writes in The New Yorker that massive digitization projects (such as Google Book Search and Microsoft Live Book Search) have some people foaming at the mouth about a grand universal library that will put traditional libraries out of business. Except for one thing – these projects will never get around to digitizing everything.

2. Google’s Buddies Corner Facebook

In a move that puts pressure on Facebook, Google has unveiled OpenSocial, a common set of technical standards (APIs) that will allow third-party developers to more easily build applications that work across multiple social networks. MySpace and other well-known services were quick to jump on board.

3. Out With the Old, In With the Open

In recent months, some more library systems have been dumping their traditional ILS vendors in favor of open source solutions such as LibLime and Evergreen.

4. Library Website? Don’t Go There.

Meanwhile, echoing a sentiment expressed a few weeks ago in 4cast #73 (item 1), one of the key findings of the most recent OCLC report (see 4cast #77, item 2) is that less and less people are visiting the library website.
