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4cast #80: Kindle, Firefox, Manifestos, SEO

Posted in Cinematic Internet, Firefox, GoogleVoice, Obama, and Social Networks

This week’s 4cast:

1. Amazon’s Kindle Starts a Fire

The Kindle (Amazon’s new wireless, handheld eBook device) was released this week, followed by lots and lots of reviews, and a few ruminations about the future of books and libraries.

2. Speaking of Fire…

Firefox, the free, alternative web browser to Internet Explorer, is readying Version 3 for release (for the very brave, an early Beta 1 version is now available to download and test). Although Firefox continues to increase in popularity, some are beginning to question whether newer versions of Firefox are really all that.

3. We, the Librarians…

As libraries invest more time and money into technology, they often come to rely heavily on ILS vendors, resulting in sometimes messy, dysfunctional relationships and misunderstandings. Roy Tennant recently wrote a manifesto that sets some basic ground rules for library/vendor relationships.

4. Someone Will Find Us, I Just Know It

Search engine optimization (SEO) describes a set of strategies that webmasters can use to improve their site’s search engine ranking and draw more traffic (see 4cast Podcast #25: Library Web Presence for some library-specific tips). Because many businesses rely on web traffic for their revenue, a whole slew of shady, spammy SEO practices have emerged in an attempt to stay two steps ahead of the constantly changing Google search algorithms.
