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Category: Social Networks


OPLIN 4Cast #767: The next big social network probably won’t be big at all

Posted in 4cast, and Social Networks

While TikTok has (perhaps unexpectedly) become a dominant force in the social media sphere, that sphere continues to fragment into more niche services. New platforms continue to pop up, geared towards specific demographics and populations.


OPLIN 4Cast #745: I’m not invited, but Clubhouse still makes sense in social’s evolution

Posted in 4cast, and Social Networks

Since I wrote a few books about social media and libraries, I do a lot of workshops about social media trends. Recently, I was asked…


4Cast #89: E-Books, Librarian Tools, Customer Service, More Green

Posted in 4cast, Amazon, blogs, desktop applications, eBooks, Firefox, Google, Internet, Library 2.0, Library vs. Internet, Photo Tagger,, productivity, screencasting, Second Life, Sitemap Generator, Social Networks, Tweetmeme, Web 2.0, and Xoopit

This week’s 4cast: 1.  E-Books: Point, Counterpoint With recent advancements from Google Books Library Project, Amazon’s Kindle, and others, some are contemplating the future of…
