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4Cast #89: E-Books, Librarian Tools, Customer Service, More Green

Posted in 4cast, Amazon, blogs, desktop applications, eBooks, Firefox, Google, Internet, Library 2.0, Library vs. Internet, Photo Tagger,, productivity, screencasting, Second Life, Sitemap Generator, Social Networks, Tweetmeme, Web 2.0, and Xoopit

This week’s 4cast:

1.  E-Books: Point, Counterpoint

With recent advancements from Google Books Library Project, Amazon’s Kindle, and others, some are contemplating the future of the once ubiquitous, ever-humble, paper-bound book.

2.  Tools, Plug-Ins, & Apps… for Librarians

Below, a collection of select tools-of-the-trade with which you may or may not be familiar:

3.  Don’t Let the Door Hit Your Customers on Their Way Out

There’s always room for improvement when it comes to customer service, and libraries are no exception.  Online interactions add additional opportunities to serve your users.

4.  Want Some More Green?

Not only is going green good for the community and environment, it can also be a money-saver for libraries on a budget.
