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4Cast #88: Microsoft/Yahoo, New Google Views, Amazon/Audible, Going Green

Posted in 4cast, Amazon, blogs, Cinematic Internet, Google, Google Maps, Google News, Google Reader, Internet, Microsoft, Photo Tagger, StumbleUpon, and Yahoo!

This week’s 4cast:

1.  “Microsoft + Yahoo = ?”

Microsoft’s bold and unsolicited $44.6B bid for Yahoo shocked many and even appalled a few bloggers.  Meanwhile, the world waits for Yahoo to make its move.

2.  New Search Views in Google

For as long as we can remember, Google search results have been displayed in a vertical list of 10 results.  Now, in addition to this list, you can also view results by Map, Timeline, or Info.

3.  Amazon Buys Audible

Internet giant has announced that it will acquire a leading online provider of spoken word audio content,

4.  The Green Scene

Libraries are an obvious choice for the “green” consumer, and now they’re kicking it up a notch by introducing additional green initiatives and ideas.
