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4Cast #87: Library 2.0, LTR, Social Media, Gaming

Posted in 4cast, Add new tag, blogs, Facebook, Flickr, games, GIMP, HarperCollins, Library 2.0, library funding, Reference Extract, social network websites, and Web 2.0

This week’s 4cast:

  1. Co-Opting Library 2.0

Technology brings challenges, of course, but how much 2.0 does a library really need?  Are important issues being ignored for the sake of all that is L2-centric?

  1. Library Technology Reports

Meredith Farkas of Information Wants to be Free, shares some hand-picked ALA Library Technology Reports and two projects of note:

  1. Social Media Adoption for Your Library: Yay or Nay?

Social networking can help increase a library’s online visibility, but it requires staff time and effort.  Below, some thoughts and objections on the value of networking in the virtual arena:

  1. Gaming Continues to Gain Acceptance in Libraries

Board games, putt-putt golf, and video games are turning up in libraries across the country as a means to raise money, increase awareness, and draw in library users of all ages.
