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4Cast #86: Google Gen, LOC & Flickr, MySpace, Blogs

Posted in 4cast, blogs, Flickr, Google, Library 2.0, Library of Congress, LinkedIn, and social network websites

This week’s 4cast:

  1. Google Generation?  I Guess Not….

A new study puts an end to the common assumption that the “Google Generation” (those brought up in the age of the Internet) is the most web-savvy.

  1. Library of Congress & Flickr: Getting the Pictures to the People

The Library of Congress and Flickr, the ubiquitous photo-sharing website, have introduced a project that seeks to allow better access to LOC image collections.

  1. MySpace & Safety

Social networking site MySpace has been making the news lately after agreeing to implement a broad set of guidelines geared towards protecting the many underage users of the site.

  1. Library Blogs: What to Read

Reading library-related blogs can help you keep up with the ever-changing and fast-paced world of library science and information technology.  And admittedly, sometimes, non-library-related blogs help, too.
