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4Cast #85: Sharing Data, Banning Google, Wikia Search Review, Future of Libraries

Posted in 4cast, blogs, education, Facebook, GIMP, Google, Google News, Internet, Library 2.0, Library vs. Internet, LinkedIn, Lipsum, privacy, Reference Extract, social network websites, social search, software development, VirtualBox, and Wikipedia

 This week’s 4cast:

  1. Sharing Data: Google & Facebook Join 

The mission of DataPortability is to allow personal data (the kind found on social networking sites) to be shared among selected tools and vendors.  The addition of Google and Facebook will likely mean that users will be able to access this data (media and friends) across multiple social networking sites and applications.

  1. Banning Google & Wikipedia?

A University of Brighton professor has caused quite a stir after insisting that her students use their “own brains” as research tools instead of Google and Wikipedia. 

  1. More On Wikia Search

Last week we took our first look at the unveiling of Wikia Search, a search engine that many users claim will impose competition to Google and an overall change to “search” as we know it.

  1. The Future Is Ours…

Simply put: the future of libraries is changing.  Below, some thoughts and ideas about where our beloved and evolving industry is headed:
