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4Cast #84: 2008, Wikia Search, Netscape, Teens

Posted in blogs, Cinematic Internet, Firefox, Google, GoogleVoice, social network websites, Tweetmeme, VirtualBox, Web 2.0, web browsers, and Wikipedia

This week’s 4cast:

  1. Library/Web 2.0/Tech Predictions for 2008

It’s officially 2008, and along with the New Year come predictions of the technologies (web, library, otherwise) that will make it big in ’08.

  1. Wikia Search Goes Alpha

On January 7, Wikipedia creator Jimmy Wales launched the alpha version of Wikia Search, a search engine that allows users to rank results, thereby increasing relevancy for subsequent searches.

  1. Netscape No More

Netscape Navigator, once the go-to browser for over 90% of web users, will no longer be supported by AOL (its current owner) beginning February 1, 2008. The Netscape Team encourages users to download Mozilla Firefox instead.

  1. Teens & Technology: They’re Savvier Than You Think

Now more than ever, teens are embracing the “conversational nature of interactive online media.” This behavior creates a new platform on which to serve teen customers.
