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4cast #81: Spectrum Auction, Kindle, Reading, Gaming

Posted in eBooks, games, Google, iPhones,, Social Networks, and wireless

This week’s 4cast:

1. Sold! To the Giant Corporation with Deep Pockets, in the Back.

In January, the FCC will auction off the 700-MHz broadcast spectrum (see 4cast #66, item 2), with observers predicting an upwards of $30 billion pricetag. At stake is the future course of American wireless network services (including broadband), and the competition should be fierce, with Google, AT&T, and Verizon all poised to bid.

2. Kindle Me This…

Several weeks after its release, people can’t stop writing about the Kindle (see 4cast #80) – particularly, whether it’s going to have any impact on the future of reading, publishing, and/or libraries.

3. See Jack Watch TV (Not Read)

Of course, no device – eBook or otherwise – is going to help the book industry if Americans are really reading less and less, as a new National Endowment of the Arts study (To Read or Not To Read PDF) claims.

4. This Game is Most Definitely ON

So if teens and kids are less interested in books, should libraries start expanding their videogame collections?
