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OPLIN 4cast #12

Posted in Digg, games, Google, and Web 2.0

This week’s 4cast:

1. Oodles of Googles

It’s not easy keeping up with everything Google’s got going on, but luckily there are some helpful guides out there. The Google Librarian Center has a set of tools and a regular newsletter aimed at librarians, while several other websites have put together their own useful Google round-ups.

2. Can You Digg It?

Digg is a popular news website with articles submitted by readers and then ranked according to how many other readers “digg” them. Originally focused on technology news, the site has just expanded to include articles on Science, Entertainment, Business, Current Events, and more. With its increasing popularity, some big-name competitors have also started to emerge.

3. Game On (And On And On And On…)

Videogames may seem antithetical to libraries, but many are finding ways to get in on the action and attract a younger crowd.

4. Library 2.0: Pickin’ & Choosin’

Which Library 2.0 tools and services might work for your library? ALA TechSource and OCLC share some thoughts.
