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OPLIN 4cast #11

Posted in digitization, eye tracking, privacy, social network websites, Web 2.0, and web browsers

This week’s 4cast:

1. The Next Browser Battle Unfolds

As Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera continue to unleash upgrades, new technological fronts are opening in the struggle for web browser supremacy.

2. 2.0 Much Information?

Two basic principles of the public library – authoritative content and patron privacy – may be directly undermined by some of the principles guiding the Library 2.0 revolution.

3. Dust to Digital Dust

As more and more published works are released in digital formats, concern is growing that much of this output could become lost as digital formats become obsolete.

4. Eye Spies

What do people actually look at when they visit a website? Some recent eye-tracking studies suggest that while no two users are exactly alike, some general patterns do exist.
